Posted by IonLoop on 2/7/2020
Just as important as your clothing, shoes, and golf gear preferences are smart choices about how you fuel your body and mind before teeing off on the green. Packing smart snacks for your strongest swing is a good place to start. We’ve got some delicious and easy recommendations that are full of good-for-you ingredients to take your golf game to the next level.
Between these tasty bites and IonLoop’s innovative negative ion bracelets and magnet bracelets, you’ll be well-armed as you approach the course.
Check out the following superfood snacks, recommended by nutritionists, trainers, and the pros.
So many buzzwords get tossed around when it comes to healthy eating, even with respect to snacking. What, for instance, is a superfood? Simply put, “Superfoods are foods — mostly plant-based but also some fish and dairy — that are thought to be nutritionally dense and thus good for one's health.”
However, there is no hard-based scientific classification of superfoods and most agree that the term itself is a marketing ploy. Still, a “superfood” is a better choice than the aptly named junk food or certainly any processed food option.
According to a recent poll of 1,300 nutritionists, the top ten superfoods of 2019 included:
Granted, a smart snack is also one that is easy to consume on the go. While a handful of nuts is a cinch, it’s tough to imagine many golfers biting into a beet between holes.
Fortunately, Golf Digest has you covered with 17 Superfoods That Make Easy On-Course Snacks, which feature some of those on the list above, as well as plenty of other creative options. Crispy garlic and parmesan edamame "popcorn," anyone?
We recommend setting this or similar lists aside for when you’re planning your next tee time. Loading up on superfood snacks like these supports your optimal physical and mental health.
Similarly, all of our IonLoop inventory is carefully designed to boost your overall wellness by providing a consistent stream of nature’s powerful negative ions and magnet therapy.
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